
Get a refund on Google Play

Google may give refunds for some Google Play purchases, depending on the refund policies. You can also contact the developer directly.

Ways to request a refund on Google Play

Important: If you are located in the European Economic Area or UK and made a purchase on or after March 28, 2018, learn how to get a refund.

If the purchase isn’t what you expected, doesn’t work, or you don’t want it any more, you can:​

Request a refund for recent purchases

Follow the instructions below if:

  • It’s less than 48 hours since you bought an app or made an in-app purchase, you can request a refund through Google Play.
  • You bought music, movies, books, or other content, you may be able to request a refund after more than 48 hours (check policy below).

You’ll usually get a decision within 15 minutes but it can take up to 4 business days.

If you use English on your device you can request a refund through Google Play below:

If you don't find your purchase on the recent purchases list, request a refund from the Google Play website.


Select other ways to make a refund

Option 1: Request a refund on the Google Play website
Option 2: Ask for a refund on the Google Assistant
Option 3: Get support from the developer of the app
Note: Some information related to refund requests may be shared with developers. 

Google Play refund policies

Refund policies are different depending on what you bought. Select a link for more information.

You may get an automatic refund if you uninstall a paid app shortly after first buying it. If you want to reinstall the app, you'll have to buy it again and you may not be eligible for a refund on that purchase.

Note: If you give your account or payment details to someone else, appear to be abusing our policies, or don’t protect your account with authentication, we usually can’t issue a refund.

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Kartik Sharma

Kartik Sharma